Russet-crowned Warbler

Russet-crowned Warbler / Myiothlypis coronata

Russet-crowned Warbler

Here the details of the Russet-crowned Warbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Myiothlypis coronata
Protonym:  Myiodioctes coronatus Arch.Naturgesch. 10 p.283
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Parulidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rucwar1
Type Locality:  Peru; restricted to Chanchamayo Valley, by Tschudi, 1846, Unters. Faun. Peru., Aves, p. 193.
Publish Year:  1844
IUCN Status:  


(Parulidae; Ϯ Black-crested Warbler M. nigrocristata) Gr. μυια muia, μυιας muias  fly; θλυπις thlupis  unidentified small bird, perhaps some sort of finch or warbler. In ornithology thlypis signifies either a thin-billed tanager or, as in this case, a parulid warbler. "*659. Myiothlypis, Caban. 1850. (Trichas, p. Gr.)   America mer. 2.   1. TRICHAS nigricristatus, Lafr. (Setophaga! nigriceps, Licht.) Rev. Zool. 1840. p. 230. ex Bogota.   2. TRICHAS luteo-viridis, Bp. ex BogLaete viridis: subtus, cum superciliis antice, luteus. An praecedentis faemina?" (Bonaparte 1850); "Gen. MYIOTHLYPIS nov. gen. *) Fliegen-Waldsänger.   121.  1. M. nigrocristata Nob. —  Trichas nigrocristatus Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1840. pag. 230.   ...   *) Von μυια, Fliege und θλυπις nom. prop.  Der in seinem ganzen Verlaufe niedergedrückte fast ganz geradfirstige Schnabel rechtfertigt die generische Trennung von Geothlypis. Bei G. stragulata [= Myiothlypis rivularis] findet sich zwar schon ein merklich breiter, von der typischen Form abweichender Schnabel, jedoch ist derselbe immer noch nach der Spitze hin seitlich zusammengedrückt und mit stärker gebogener Firste." (Cabanis 1853); "Myiothlypis Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., 1, (2), p. 311, end of 1850—type, by subs. desig. (Cabanis, Mus. Hein., 1, p. 17, Oct., 1851 [= 1853]), Trichas nigro-cristatus Lafresnaye." (Hellmayr 1935, XIII, 476).
Synon. Phaeothlypis.

L. coronatus  crowned  < coronare  to crown  < corona  crown.
● "114. MOTACILLA.  ...  coronata.  21. M. nigro maculata, pileo hypochondriis uropygioque flavis.  Motacilla corona aurea. Edw. av. - - t. 298.  Habitat in Pensylvania.  Corpus dorso pectore abdomineque adspersum maculis parvis nigris. Fascia alarum duplex alba. Gula alba." (Linnaeus 1766) (Setophaga).
● ex “Wreathed Tern” of Latham 1785 (syn. Sterna vittata).


Russet-crowned Warbler (regulus)
SCI Name: Myiothlypis coronata regulus
(Regulidae; Ϯ Goldcrest R. regulus) Specific name Motacilla regulus Linnaeus, 1758; "Roitelets . . . Regulus" (Cuvier 1800); "Dans la tradition nordique, le roitelet (le plus petit des oiseaux) est le druide des oiseaux. Ce term de petit roi n'est donc pas une moquerie, il correspond à une vieille tradition celtique. Le première mention de ce mot pour désigner un oiseau remonte au début du XIIe siècle" (Cabard & Chauvet 2003); "Regulus Cuvier, 1800, Leçons Anatomie Comparée, 1, table 2. Type, by monotypy and tautonymy, "Roitelets" = Motacilla regulus Linnaeus." (Watson in Peters 1986, XI, 286). This genus formerly included the reguline leaf-warblers Phylloscopus.
Var. Regillus (L. regillus  royal, regal  < regius  royal).
Synon. Calendula, Corthylio, Ocelletus, Orchilus, Regaliolus, Rex, Senator.
● (syn. Regulus Ϯ Ruby-crowned Kinglet R. calendula) "Regulus BARTRAM, Travels through Carolina, etc., 1791, p.—  ...  Type, Motacilla calendula LINNAEUS (Present designation.)3   ...   2 Seven species of Regulus are enumerated by Bartram in 1791, but only one is technically available as type at this date. This is "R. cristatus alter vertice rubini coloris; the ruby crown wren. (G. Edwards.)", or Motacilla calendula Linnaeus. Edwards figured and described this species from a specimen sent to him by Bartram.   ...   3 There appear to be excellent generic differences between Motacilla calendula and M. regulus, as long ago recognized by Cabanis, who, in 1853, proposed the name Corthylio for M. calendula. This genus has been recently revived by Mr. Miller (Auk, vol. 32, 1915, pp. 234-236), but from the above reference to Regulus it will be seen that Motacilla regulus is the species to be provided with a generic name." (Richmond 1917). 

Russet-crowned Warbler (elata)
SCI Name: Myiothlypis coronata elata
L. elatus  elevated, raised up, exalted  < efferre  to lift up.
● "CALAO A CASQUE ÉLEVÉ.  BUCEROS ELATUS. TEMM.  ...  Le casque de notre nouvelle espèce est remarquable par son élévation à la partie antérieure, qui est coupée verticalement; son arête, en décrivant une faible courbure, s'incline vers le front, où elle prend la forme d'un large bourrelet.  Ce casque est lisse, à parois très-minces, surtout à sa partie supérieure; il est bombé sur les côtés, et cannelé longitudinalement de trois rainures profondes" (Temminck 1831) (Ceratogymna).
● "BASILEUTERUS CORONATUS ELATUS, new subspecies.  ...  Similar to Basileuterus coronatus coronatus  ...  black lateral crown-stripes narrower and less prominent, not meeting in front, while the orange rufous coronal part is correspondingly larger." (Todd 1929) (subsp. Myiothlypis coronata).

Russet-crowned Warbler (orientalis)
SCI Name: Myiothlypis coronata orientalis
orientale / orientalis
L. orientalis  eastern, oriental  < oriens, orientis  east.
Asia; ex “Anser moschoviticus” of Albin 1731-1738, and “Anser chinensis” of Linnaeus 1747 (syn. Anser cygnoides).
● India; ex Ardea antigone Linnaeus, 1758, “Grus orientalis” of Brisson 1760, and “Indian Crane” of Latham 1785 (syn. Antigone antigone).
 East Indies (= Seram and New Guinea); ex “Casoar des Indes orientales” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 313 (syn. Casuarius casuarius).
● India; ex “Eastern Parrot” of Latham 1781 (?syn. Eclectus roratus).
● East Indies (= Amboina); ex “Coucou noir des Indes” (= ♂) and “Coucou tacheté des Indes” (=♀) of Brisson 1760 (subsp. Eudynamys scolopaceus).
● East Indies (=Java); ex “Rollier des Indes” of Brisson 1760 (Eurystomus).
● East Indies; ex “Merula indica” of Brisson 1760, “Merle des Indes Orientales” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 273, fig. 2, and “Ash-rumped Thrush” of Latham 1783 (syn. Lalage nigra).
● India; ex “Indian Bee-eater” and “Coromandel Bee-eater” of Latham 1782-1787 (Merops).
● Asia; ex “Onocrotalus” or “Pelecanus” of previous authors (syn. Pelecanus onocrotalus).
● "91. TETRAO.  ...  orientalis.  12. T. pedibus antice pilosis: abdomine gulaque atra, collari ferrugineo, cauda cuneiformi.  Tetrao orientalis. Hasselq. it. 278. n. 43.  Perdix damascena. Will. orn. 128.  Francolin. Tournef. it. I. p. 158. t. 158.  Habitat in Oriente." (Linnaeus 1758) (Pterocles).
● China; ex “Tourterelle brune de la Chine” of Sonnerat 1782, and “Chinese Turtle” of Latham 1783 (Streptopelia).
● China; ex “China Owl” of Latham 1801 (syn. Strix seloputo).

Russet-crowned Warbler (castaneiceps)
SCI Name: Myiothlypis coronata castaneiceps
L. castaneus  chestnut-coloured  < castanea  chestnut  < Gr. καστανον kastanon  chestnut; -ceps  -headed  < caput, capitis  head.

Russet-crowned Warbler (chapmani)
SCI Name: Myiothlypis coronata chapmani
Frank Michler Chapman (1864-1945) US ornithologist, Curator of Ornithology AMNH 1908-1942, collector (CalidrisChaetura, subsp. Chordeiles minor, subsp. Conopophaga castaneiceps, syn. Crax rubra, subsp. Formicivora rufa, syn. Gallinago jamesoni, syn. Hemispingus melanotis piurae, subsp. Hydrobates leucorhous, subsp. Mecocerculus leucophrys, subsp. Micropygia schomburgkii, subsp. Myiodynastes maculatus, subsp. Myiothlypis coronata, syn. Odontophorus gujanensis marmoratus, syn. Pachyramphus polychopterus dorsalis, subsp. Patagioenas plumbea, syn. Petrochelidon rufocollaris aequatorialis,  Pogonotriccus, subsp. Pulsatrix perspicillata, subsp. Pyrrhura melanura, subsp. Schistes geoffroyi, subsp. Sicalis luteola, syn. Synallaxis brachyura nigrofumosa).

Russet-crowned Warbler (inaequalis)
SCI Name: Myiothlypis coronata inaequalis
L. inaequalis  unequal, uneven, unlike, various  < in-  not; aequalis  even  < aequare  to make level.
• "Basileuterus coronatus inaequalis, new subspecies.  ...  Nearest to B. c. elatus  of northwestern Ecuador, but differs by slightly darker back, gray instead of rufescent nape (centrally), usually duller forehead (buffy instead of rufous in most cases), and vey slightly greater average lengths of wing and tail." (J. Zimmer 1949) (subsp. Myiothlypis coronata).
• "Synallaxis albescens inaequalis, new subspecies.  ...  Similar to S. a. josephinae of British Guiana and southwestern Venezuela (vicinity of  Mt. Duida), but much paler; back with a grayish tinge about as in specimens of S. a. perpallida from the state of Lara, Venezuela, but rufous color of cap and upper wing-coverts decidedly darker than in Lara birds, paler than in josephinae, between the colors of trinitatis and occipitalis" (J. Zimmer 1935) (subsp. Synallaxis albescens).

Russet-crowned Warbler (coronata)
SCI Name: Myiothlypis coronata coronata
L. coronatus  crowned  < coronare  to crown  < corona  crown.
● "114. MOTACILLA.  ...  coronata.  21. M. nigro maculata, pileo hypochondriis uropygioque flavis.  Motacilla corona aurea. Edw. av. - - t. 298.  Habitat in Pensylvania.  Corpus dorso pectore abdomineque adspersum maculis parvis nigris. Fascia alarum duplex alba. Gula alba." (Linnaeus 1766) (Setophaga).
● ex “Wreathed Tern” of Latham 1785 (syn. Sterna vittata).

Russet-crowned Warbler (notia)
SCI Name: Myiothlypis coronata notia
Gr. νοτιος notios  southern  < νοτος notos  south.