Ruddy Spinetail

Ruddy Spinetail / Synallaxis rutilans

Ruddy Spinetail

Here the details of the Ruddy Spinetail named bird below:

SCI Name:  Synallaxis rutilans
Protonym:  Synallaxis rutilans Pl.Col. livr.38 pl.227 fig.1
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Furnariidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rudspi1
Type Locality:  Brazil; Cameta, Rio Tocantins, suggested as type locality by Hellmayr, 1925, p. 105.
Publish Year:  1823
IUCN Status:  


(Furnariidae; Ϯ Rufous-capped Spinetail S. ruficapilla)  Gr. συναλλαξις sunallaxis, συναλλαξεως sunallaxeōs  exchange; perhaps given because Vieillot thought the two species may represent the two sexes of a single species, or an allusion to their characters warranting generic separation.  Reichenbach 1853, complained that Synallaxis, of feminine gender, contained the Latin masculine noun axis  axle, and wondered what scientists were to make of it!; "SYNALLAXE, Synallaxis.   Bec grêle, entier, pointu; mandibule supérieure un peu arquée, l'inférieure droit; narines couvertes de plumes à leur base; ailes courtes, arrondies." (Vieillot 1818); "SYNALLAXE, Synallaxis. Genre de l'ordre des Oiseaux SYLVAINS et de la famille des GRIMPEREAUX   ...   La SYNALLAXE A QUEUE ROUSSE, Synallaxis ruficauda, Vieill., a été apportée du Brésil.   ...   La SYNALLAXE A TÊTE ROUSSE, Synallaxis ruficapilla, Vieill., se trouve au Brésil.   ...   Les différences qu'on remarque entre cet oiseau et le précédent, ne caractérisent-elles pas les sexes?" (Vieillot 1819); "Synallaxis Vieillot, Nouv. Sict. Hist. Nat., 24, 1818, p. 117. Generic characters only; species added op. cit., 32, 1819, p. 310. Type, by subsequent designation, Synallaxis ruficapilla Vieillot (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 17)." (Peters 1951, VII, 80). 
Var. Synnalaxis, Synnallaxis, Synalaxis.   
Synon. Anabates, Barnesia, Gyalophylax, Parulus, Poecilurus, Siptornopsis.

L. rutilans, rutilantis  of a glowing reddish colour, reddening  < rutilus  auburn, red.


Ruddy Spinetail (caquetensis)
SCI Name: Synallaxis rutilans caquetensis
caquetae / caquetanus / caquetensis
Caquetá, south-eastern Colombia.

Ruddy Spinetail (confinis)
SCI Name: Synallaxis rutilans confinis
L. confinis  similar, nearly related.
● "Upon the whole, it may be that the specimen before me represents an abnormal plumage of T. migratorius; but its rather different proportions, much paler ground color beneath, greater extent of white on the belly, absence of black or dusky on the head, etc., leads me to consider it as distinct" (S. Baird 1864) (Turdus).

Ruddy Spinetail (dissors)
SCI Name: Synallaxis rutilans dissors
L. dissors, dissortis  not shared, of a different fate, separate, apart.
• "Myrmothera campanisona dissors, new subspecies   TYPE from the Río Cassiquiare, Venezuela, right bank, opposite El Merey.  ...  There is some variation among the adults, but the combination of characters is not duplicated in any of the other known forms."(Zimmer 1934) (subsp. Myrmothera campanisona).
• "Mr. James L. Peters has kindly called to my attention a more serious error in an earlier paper in which I made use of a pre-occupied name for a new form of Ochthoeca.  Since I discussed the earlier form, though of a different species, in the same paper, my error is inexcusable.  The necessary correction is as follows.   Ochthoeca leucophrys dissors, new name for Ochthoeca leucophrys cajamarcae ZIMMER, 1937, Amer. Mus. Novit., No. 930, p. 11 (not Ochthoeca diadema cajamarcae CARRIKER, 1934)." (Zimmer 1940) (subsp. Ochthoeca leucophrys).
• "Synallaxis rutilans dissors, new subspecies   TYPE from Campos Salles, Manaos, Brazil.  ...  Similar to S. r. amazonica from the south bank of the middle and upper Amazon, but general tone of rufescence averaging lighter, without the trace of olive on the occiput usually present in amazonica" (Zimmer 1935) (subsp. Synallaxis rutilans).
• "Tolmomyias flaviventris dissors, new subspecies   TYPE from Faro, Rio Jamundá, Brazil.  ...  The most curious fact in connection with the present form is the apparent inclusion in it of the birds from the foot of Mt. Duida, Venezuela, but the Duida birds appear to be indistinguishable from it." (Zimmer 1939) (subsp. Tolmomyias flaviventris).
• "Vireo gilvus dissors, new subspecies   TYPE from Cerro Munchique, west of Popayan, Colombia; altitude 7000 feet.  ...  Differs from V. g. leucophrys of eastern Colombia by slightly darker cap of a more grayish, less warmly hued, brown; back distinctly greener, less brownish olive; under parts not distinctive." (Zimmer 1941) (subsp. Vireo leucophrys).

Ruddy Spinetail (amazonica)
SCI Name: Synallaxis rutilans amazonica
amazonica / amazonicus / amazonina / amazoninum
Mod. L. Amazonicus or Amazoninus Amazonian, of Amazonia.
● ex “Ajuru Curuca” of Marcgrave 1648, and “Psittacus amazonicus” of Brisson 1760 (Amazona).

Ruddy Spinetail (rutilans)
SCI Name: Synallaxis rutilans rutilans
L. rutilans, rutilantis  of a glowing reddish colour, reddening  < rutilus  auburn, red.

Ruddy Spinetail (omissa)
SCI Name: Synallaxis rutilans omissa
L. omissus  disregarded, omitted  < omittere  to disregard.

Ruddy Spinetail (tertia)
SCI Name: Synallaxis rutilans tertia
L. tertius  third  < tres  three.