Chestnut-bellied Rock-Thrush

Chestnut-bellied Rock-Thrush / Monticola rufiventris

Chestnut-bellied Rock-Thrush

Here the details of the Chestnut-bellied Rock-Thrush named bird below:

SCI Name:  Monticola rufiventris
Protonym:  Petrocincla rufiventris Ill.Orn. 3 pl.129
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Muscicapidae /
Taxonomy Code:  cbrthr1
Type Locality:  Himalayan district ; restricted to Simla by Ripley, 1961, Synopsis Birds India Pakistan, p. 523.
Publish Year:  1833
IUCN Status:  


(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush M. saxatilis) L. monticola  mountain-dweller, mountaineer  < mons, montis  mountain; -cola  inhabitant  < colere  to dwell; "22. Familie. Drosseln, Turdus.  43. Gattung. Monticola.2    85. saxatilis    86. cyanus.   ...   2 Unterscheidendes Kennzeichen der Gattung: das rostrothe oder schieferblaue Gefieder." (Boie 1822); "Monticola Boie, 1822, Isis, col. 552. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1847, Gen. Birds, 1, p. 220), Turdus saxatilis Linnaeus." (Ripley in Peters 1964, X, 135).
Synon. Colonocincla, Cyanocincla, Migratorius, Notiocichla, Notiocincla, Orocetes, Oroscirtetes, Petrocincla, Petrocossyphus, Petrophila, Petrornis, Pseudocossyphus.

L. monticola  mountain-dweller  < mons, montis  mountain; -cola  dweller  < colere  to inhabit.
● Namaqualand; ex “Traquet Montagnard” of Levaillant 1806, pl. 184, fig. 2 (Dromolaea).
● Hudson’s Bay; ex “Mountain Finch” of Latham 1783 (syn. Spizella arborea).
● Canada; ex “Moineau du Canada” of Brisson 1760, and d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 223, fig. 2, and “Soulciet” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (?syn. Zonotrichia leucophrys).

rufiventer / rufiventra / rufiventre / rufiventris
Mod. L. rufiventris  red-bellied  < L. rufus  ruddy, rufous; venter, ventris  belly.
● ex “Pepoazá vientre roxizo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 205, and “Pepoaza à ventre rougeâtre” of Vieillot 1819 (Neoxolmis).
● ex “Grignet” of Levaillant 1803, pl. 126 (syn. Parisoma subcaeruleum).
● ex “Traquet à Cul Roux” of Levaillant 1806, pl. 188, fig. 2 (syn. Saxicoloides fulicatus).
● ex “Gobe-mouche de l’île de Bourbon” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 572, fig. 3, and “Rufous-vented Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (syn. Setophaga ruticilla).
● ex “Velvet-headed Flycatcher” of Latham 1823 (Terpsiphone).