Bare-eyed Antbird

Bare-eyed Antbird / Rhegmatorhina gymnops

Bare-eyed Antbird

Here the details of the Bare-eyed Antbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Rhegmatorhina gymnops
Protonym:  Rhegmatorhina gymnops Proc.U.S.Natl.Mus. 10 p.525
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thamnophilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  baeant1
Type Locality:  Diamantina Mts., near Santarem, Brazil.
Publish Year:  1888
IUCN Status:  


(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ Bare-eyed Antbird R. gymnops) Gr. ῥηγμα rhēgma, ῥηγματος rhēgmatos  fissure, cleft; ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos  nostril; “12. RhegmatorhinaϮ gymnops, sp. nov.  ...  Ϯ Rhegmatorhina, genus novem Formicariidarum (ῥηγμα = fissuraῥις = nasus).   GEN. CHAR.—Similar to Phlogopsis but differing very materially in the form of the nostril, which consists of a narrow longitudinal slit-like opening, overhung by a broad, rather thickened, membrane or operculum.  Orbital region entirely naked, the bare space broadly oval, slightly pointed anteriorly (about midway of the lores), but rounded posteriorly.  Feathers of pileum lengthened, narrow, decurved, rather stiff, and distinctly individualized, forming a loose crest when erected; those of the forehad and lores (anterior half) shorter, straighter, and more dense.  Tail more than two-thirds as long as wing, slightly rounded, the feathers broad and rounded.  Wing about three times as long as tarsus, much rounded (fifth and sixth quills longest).  Tarsus more than twice as long as bill from nostril, booted.  Colors plain.   Type, R. gymnops, sp. nov.” (Ridgway 1888).

Gr. γυμνος gumnos  bare, naked; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  face.

Gr. γυμνος gumnos  bare, naked; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  face.
• (Falconidae; syn. Daptrius  Black Caracara D. ater) "GENUS VII. GYMNOPS.  Rostro subelongato, gallinaceo, haud alto, subcyclindrico, circa basin, praecipue ante oculos nudo, apice subadunco, oblique descendente; naribus rotundis; collo exserto; tarsis breviusculis; alis cruciatis, cauda aequali vix brevioribus; unguibus compressioribus, gracilioribus.   SPECIES 1. GYMNOPS FASCIATUS.   ...   SPECIES 2. GYMNOPS STRIGILATUS.  ...  Habitat in sylvis ripariis fluminis Xingú. (An "Cracra piqueno"?).   ...   SPECIES 3. GYMNOPS ATERRIMUS. Temminck pl. 37.   ...   SPECIES 4. GYMNOPS AQUILINUS. Linn. F. formosus. Lath. Buff. 417.  ...  Habitat gregarius in provincia Piauhy sub nomine "Gakaô" sive "Alma do Cabocolo" in locis palmiferis" (von Spix 1824); "Gymnops Spix, Av. Spec. Nov. Bras., 1, p. 11, 1827—type, by subs. desig. (Sharpe, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 1, p. 34, 1874), [Gymnops aterrimus Spix =] Daptrius ater Vieillot." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1949, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (4), p. 259).
• (Sturnidae; syn. Sarcops Coleto S. calvus) "LES GOULINS. (GYMNOPS. Cuv.)  Ont le même bec fort que les loriots, les narines rondes, sans écailles, et sans entourage membraneux, et une grande partie de la tête dénuée de plumes. (1).  Quelques-uns ont des proéminences sur le bec (2). Dans ces derniers, la langue est un pinceau comme dans les philédons.  ...  (1) Le goulin gris (gracula calva, Gm.), enl. 200: - le Goulin vert (mino Dumontii, Less.), Voy. de Duperrey, pl. xxv; - le Goulin olive (gracula cyanotis, Lath.; merops cyanotis, Sh.)   (2) Le corbicalao, Vaill., Ois. d'Am. et des Indes, pl. xxiv (merops corniculatus, Lath. et Sh.), et une espèce voisine, dont le tubercule, plus grand, se dirige vers le front (Mer. monachus, Lath.). Ces deux oiseaux de la Nouvelle-Hollande ne sont ni des calaos ni des guêpiers, car ils n'ont pas les doigts externes plus réunis que les passereaux les plus ordinaires" (Cuvier 1829); "Gymnops Cuvier, 1829, Règne Animal, nouvelle éd., I, p. 381.  Type, by monotypy, Gracula calva Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).