Song Wren

Song Wren / Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus

Song Wren

Here the details of the Song Wren named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus
Protonym:  Cyphorinus phaeocephalus Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt(28)2 p.291
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Troglodytidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sonwre1
Type Locality:  Esmeraldas, Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
Publish Year:  1860
IUCN Status:  


(Troglodytidae; Ϯ Southern Chestnut-breasted Wren C. thoracicus) Gr. κυφος kuphos  hunch, hump  < κυπτω kuptō  to stoop; ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos  nose; "38. Cyphorhinus Cab. 1)  Habitus et characteres fere ut in Merulaxidibus, rostrum vero multo magis compressum, mesorhinium culminatum, gibbosum; nares non fornicatae (ut in caeteris hujus familiae generibus) sed patulae, rotundae, membrana circumdatae; podotheca non squamata vel reticulata, sed caligata.   115. 1. C. thoracicus Tsch.   ...   1) κυφος gibba, ῥιν nasus." (Cabanis 1844); "Cyphorhinus Cabanis, 1844, Arch. f. Naturg., 10 (1), p. 282. Type, by monotypy, Cyphorhinus thoracicus Tschudi. (Not preoccupied by Cyphorhina Lesson, 1843)." (Paynter in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 437).
Var. Cyphorina, Cyphorinus.
Synon. Leucolepis, Rhinorchilus.

phaeocephala / phaeocephalus
Gr. φαιος phaios  dusky, brown, grey; -κεφαλος -kephalos  -headed  < κεφαλη kephalē  head.

(Psittacidae; Ϯ Senegal Parrot P. senegalus) Gr. φαιος phaios  grey, dusky; -κεφαλος -kephalos  -headed  < κεφαλη kephalē  head; "POICEPHALUS, Sw.  Wings very long, reaching to the end of the tail; the first quill scarcely shorter than the second; the inner web of the first three primaries suddenly narrowed beyond the middle, and then obliquely truncated at the tip. Tail very short, even; the feathers broad, truncate, but the shafts prolonged into mucronate points.  Tropics of the Old World only; representing Palæornis.   Senegalensis. Le Vail. pl. 116.  Geoffroyi. Ib. 112.  melanocephalus. Ib. 133.  pileatus. Ib. 133.  Barrabandi. Ib. 134.  aureus. Le Vaill. pl. 138.  Swinderianus. Lear. Psitt. pl. 42.  torquata. Ib. 40.  taranta. Ib. 39." (Swainson 1837); "Poicephalus Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 301. Type, by subsequent designation, P. senegalensis (L.) Swainson = Psittacus senegalus Linné (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 52)." (Peters 1937, III, 224).
Var. Paeocephalus, Phaeocephalus, Piocephalus, Poeocephalus (Gr. ποια poia grass), Poiecephalus, Poiocephalus (Gr. πολιος polios  grey).
Synon. Eupsittacus, Micropsittacus, Notopsittacus.


Song Wren (richardsoni)
SCI Name: Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus richardsoni
richardsoni / richardsonii
● Sir John Richardson (1787-1865) Scottish surgeon-explorer, zoologist, botanist, geologist (subsp. Aegolius funereus, syn. Contopus sordidulus, subsp. Dendragapus obscurus, Eubucco, subsp. Falco columbarius, syn. Gavia adamsii, syn. Ixoreus naevius, syn. Rhodostethia rosea, syn. Sayornis phoebe, syn. Stercorarius parasiticus).
● William Blaine (or Blaney) Richardson, Sr. (1868-1927) US collector in Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia and Ecuador 1887-1927 (syn. Chlorospingus dwighti, syn. Corvus corax sinuatus, subsp. Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus, syn. Icterus graduacauda, subsp. Myiothlypis luteoviridis, syn. Saltator grandis plumbiceps, syn. Sporophila minuta parva, syn. Zenaida aurita zenaida).
● William Everett Richardson (1825-1902) US shipping manager, collector (Melanospiza).
● William Blaine Richardson, Jr. (1891-1972) US banker in Mexico, mammalogist, collector in New Guinea 1938-1939 (subsp. Zapornia tabuensis).

Song Wren (infuscatus)
SCI Name: Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus infuscatus
infuscata / infuscatus
L. infuscatus  dusky  < infuscare  to make dark  < infuscus  dusky, blackish.
● ex “Curucáu Afeytado” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 365 (Phimosus).
● ex “Perroquet à franges souci” of Levaillant 1801-1805 (syn. Poicephalus robustus).

Song Wren (lawrencii)
SCI Name: Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus lawrencii
George Newbold Lawrence (1806-1895) US businessman, collector, ornithologist (subsp. Cichlherminia lherminieri, subsp. Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus, syn. Gymnocichla nudiceps (ex Myrmelastes corvinus Lawrence, 1863), subsp. Icterus leucopteryx, Margarobyas, syn. Mimus gilvus gracilis, syn. Nesoctites micromegas, syn. Pelagodroma marina (ex Thalassidroma fregetta Lawrence, 1852), subsp. Peucaea ruficaudaPheugopedius, Pseudocolaptes, syn. Sclerurus caudacutus umbretta, syn. Tachyphonus luctuosus (ex Tachyphonus atricapillus Lawrence, 1868), Turdus, syn. Vermivora pinus x chrysoptera, Zentrygon).

Song Wren (propinquus)
SCI Name: Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus propinquus
propinqua / propinquatus / propinquus
L. propinquus  related, similar, neighbouring  < prope  near  < pro  like.
● Lawrence 1867, felt obliged to give this new name to his Tachyphonus rubrifrons because the red on the forehead was caused by fruit pulp still adhering to the feathers (syn. Heterospingus rubrifrons).
● "Cette forme du T. personatus ne diffère de la forme typique de Bogota que par les dimensions un peu moins fortes, et plus sensiblement par le bec plus large et plus long.  ...  Toutes ces races sont très proches entre elles." (von Berlepsch & Taczanowski 1884) (syn. Trogon personatus assimilis).

Song Wren (phaeocephalus)
SCI Name: Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus phaeocephalus
phaeocephala / phaeocephalus
Gr. φαιος phaios  dusky, brown, grey; -κεφαλος -kephalos  -headed  < κεφαλη kephalē  head.