Red-faced Liocichla

Red-faced Liocichla / Liocichla phoenicea

Red-faced Liocichla

Here the details of the Red-faced Liocichla named bird below:

SCI Name:  Liocichla phoenicea
Protonym:  Ianthocincla phoenicea Icon.Av. pt1 pl.3
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Leiothrichidae /
Taxonomy Code:  reflio2
Type Locality:  Himalayas ; inferentially restricted to Nepal, apud Ripley, 1961, Synops. Birds India Pakistan, p. 396
Publish Year:  1837
IUCN Status:  


(Leiothrichidae; Ϯ Taiwan Liocichla L. steerii) Genus Leiothrix Swainson, 1832, leiothrix; Gr. κιχλη kikhlē  thrush; “DR. STEERE, whose ornithological discoveries in the Philippines have lately attracted so much attention, also visited Formosa during his travels in the east.  ...  Amongst several interesting species obtained by him and submitted to me, such as Suthora bulomachus, Sibia auricularis, Garrulax taivanus, &c., was a Liothrix-like bird, which is quite new to me.  Wishing for further information, I waited until I had an opportunity of showing the specimen to Lord Tweeddale.  It was new also to him; and he writes, "It is another evidence of the close connexion that must have existed formerly between Formosa and the Himalayan chain."  I will therefore bring forward this species under the generic name.  LIOCICHLA, gen. nov.  In general character a Liothrix, but with the stronger legs and shorter wings of a Garrulax, and somewhat allied to Sibia.    LIOCICHLA STEERII, sp. nov.  (Plate XIV.)” (Swinhoe 1877); "Liocichla Swinhoe, 1877, Ibis, p. 473. Type, by monotypy, Liocichla steerii Swinhoe." (Deignan in Peters 1964, X, 380).

Gr. φοινικεος phoinikeos crimson, red, dark-red, purple.
● ex “Red-winged Chatterer”of Latham 1787 (Campephaga).


Red-faced Liocichla (phoenicea)
SCI Name: Liocichla phoenicea phoenicea
Gr. φοινικεος phoinikeos crimson, red, dark-red, purple.
● ex “Red-winged Chatterer”of Latham 1787 (Campephaga).

Red-faced Liocichla (bakeri)
SCI Name: Liocichla phoenicea bakeri
● Edward Charles Stuart Baker (1864-1944) British ornithologist, oologist, collector, Indian Police 1883-1912 (subsp. Cuculus canorus, syn. Garrulax monileger stuarti, subsp. Liocichla phoenicea, syn. Lonchura malacca (ex Munia malacca orientalis Baker, 1925), subsp. Napothera epilepidota, syn. Pericrocotus flammeus fraterculus, subsp. Polyplectron bicalcaratum, subsp. Pomatorhinus ruficollis, Psittiparus, syn. Thalasseus bergii velox, subsp. Tachymarptis melba, syn. Turdinus macrodactylusYuhina, subsp. Zapornia fusca).
● Dr John Randal Baker (1900-1984) British scientist, cytologist, collector in the New Hebrides 1922-1923, 1927 (Ducula).
● Dr Allan John Baker (1943-2014) New Zealand/Canadian ornithologist (subsp. Fringilla coelebs).
● George Fisher Baker, Jr. (1878-1937) US banker, collector, trustee of the AMNH (Sericulus).