Spot-necked Babbler

Spot-necked Babbler / Stachyris strialata

Spot-necked Babbler

Here the details of the Spot-necked Babbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Stachyris strialata
Protonym:  Timalia strialata Tijdschr.Nat.Gesch.Phys. 2(1835) p.345
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Timaliidae /
Taxonomy Code:  spnbab1
Type Locality:  Sumatra; restricted to Padang Residencies, by Kloss, 1921, Journ. Federated Malay States Mus., 10, p. 213.
Publish Year:  1836
IUCN Status:  


(Timaliidae; Ϯ Grey-throated Babbler S. nigriceps) Gr. στραχυ strakhu  rough, distort  < τραχυς trakhus  rough, jagged; ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos nostrils; "Timaliæ  ...  Stachyris, Hodgson.  ...  1. St. nigriceps, Hodgson.  ...  2. St. pyrrhops, Hodgson.  ...  3. St. chrysæa, Hodgson.  ...  Mr. Hodgson sends the following diagnostics  ...  "Stachyris, Mihi. (Certhianæ? Leiotrichanæ? Parianæ? [I do not hesitate to place it as above.—E. B.]  Bill equal to head, very strong, pointed, and trenchant; tips equal and entire; its form conico-compressed and higher than broad, with culmen raised between prolonged nareal fossæ.  Nares basal, lateral, with ovoid posteal aperture, the front being closed by the very salient rude scale above.  Gape smooth.  Frontlet rigid.  Tongue cartilaginous, bifid, simple.  Legs and feet very strong, suited to creeping and climbing in inverted strained positions.  Tarse very stout, longer than any toe or nail.  Toes short, unequal, depressed, basally connected, the hind stoutest and exceeding the inner fore.  Nails very falcate and acute.  Wings short, feeble, the first four primaries much graduated, the four next subequal.  Tail medial, simple, firm.   Type St. nigriceps.  Sylvan, shy; creeps among foliage, buds and flowers, like Zosterops and Orthotomus; feeds on minute hard insects and their eggs and larvæ." (Hodgson 1844).
Var. Stachyrhis, Strachyrhis, Strachyris.
Synon. Cilathora, Heterorhynchus, Nigravis, Sphenocichla, Stachyrirhynchus, Thringorhina.

Mod. L. striolatus  finely-striped, lineated  <  striola  fine linear marking  < L. stria  furrow.


Spot-necked Babbler (tonkinensis)
SCI Name: Stachyris strialata tonkinensis
Tonkin Protectorate, French Indochina / Tong-king or Dong-king, Vietnam.

Spot-necked Babbler (swinhoei)
SCI Name: Stachyris strialata swinhoei
swinhoei / swinhoii
Robert Swinhoe (1836-1877) British diplomat in China, Vice-Consul in Taiwan 1860-1866, linguist, collector, naturalist (syn. Aegithalos caudatus glaucogularis, syn. Bubo bubo kiautschensis, syn. Chlidonias hybrida, syn. Cuculus micropterus, subsp. Cyanopica cyanus, Erythrogenys, subsp. Lioparus chrysotis, subsp. Lonchura striata, Lophura, syn. Merops leschenaultii, syn. Oriolus chinensis diffusus, subsp. Picoides canicapillus, syn. Platalea minor, subsp. Stachyris strialata).

Spot-necked Babbler (helenae)
SCI Name: Stachyris strialata helenae
• Renée Marie Jeanne Hélène Lavauden (1912-1989) daughter of French naturalist and forester Louis Lavauden (subsp. Galerida cristata).
• Helen McMahon Cutting (1894-1961) wife of US explorer C. Suydam Cutting (subsp. Harpactes erythrocephalus).
• Gr. myth. Helen of Troy, “the face that launched a thousand ships, and burnt the topless towers of Ilium,” wife to Menelaüs and the most beautiful woman of her age (Hypothymis).
• Helen or Ellen Kelsall née Owens (1873-1930) wife of Colonel H. J. Kelsall, collector in tropical Africa 1910-1913 (subsp. Laniarius barbarus).
• Helen Luise Elisabeth Herzogin zu Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Princesse d’Orléans (1814-1858) wife of patron of natural history Ferdinand Philippe Duc d’Orléans (Lophornis).
• Elena de Faz Booth y Tinto (d. 1850) wife of Cuban plantation owner Carlos Booth y Tinto, who befriended Gundlach (Mellisuga).
• Helen Mackenzie McConnell née Alexander (1871-1954) wife of English collector F. V. McConnell (subsp. Neopipo cinnamomea).
• Helena Forde née Scott (1832-1910) Australian entomologist, oologist and artist (subsp. Parotia lawesii).
• Helena Mary Ann Oates née Blythe (1865-1903) wife of English naturalist Eugene W. Oates (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (syn. Polyplectron bicalcaratum).
• Helen Livingston Greenway née Scott (1903-1985) first wife of US ornithologist James C. Greenway, Jr. (Paul Scofield in litt.) (subsp. Stachyris strialata).

Spot-necked Babbler (guttata)
SCI Name: Stachyris strialata guttata
L. guttatus  spotted, speckled  < gutta  drop, spot.
● ex “Héoro-taire moucheté” of Audebert & Vieillot 1802 (unident., ?Zosteropidae, ?Meliphagidae).

Spot-necked Babbler (nigrescentior)
SCI Name: Stachyris strialata nigrescentior
L. nigrescentior, nigrescentioris  blacker, more blackish  < nigrescere  to become black  < niger  black.

Spot-necked Babbler (umbrosa)
SCI Name: Stachyris strialata umbrosa
umbrosa / umbrosus
L. umbrosus  shady, of shade, of twilight  < umbra  shade.

Spot-necked Babbler (strialata)
SCI Name: Stachyris strialata strialata
Mod. L. striolatus  finely-striped, lineated  <  striola  fine linear marking  < L. stria  furrow.