Blue-capped Hummingbird

Blue-capped Hummingbird / Eupherusa cyanophrys

Blue-capped Hummingbird

Here the details of the Blue-capped Hummingbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Eupherusa cyanophrys
Protonym:  Eupherusa cyanophrys Condor 66 p.82
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Trochilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blchum2
Type Locality:  
Publish Year:  1964
IUCN Status:  


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Stripe-tailed Hummingbird E. eximia) Gr. ευ eu  fine, good; φερω pherō  to bear, to carry; "EUPHERUSA EXIMIA.  Stripe-tail.   Trochilus eximius, DeLattre, 1853.  ...   I have been induced to separate this species from the Erythronotes, to which it is most nearly allied, principally on account of its large size, the white colouring of the basal portion of the outer tail-feathers, and the well-defined buff epaulets which adorn the shoulders.  In an ornamental point of view this species is eminently attractive; its glittering green throat and under surface presenting a marked contrast to the remainder of the plumage." (Gould 1857); "Genus EUPHERUSA, Gould.  (, bene, feliciter; et φερουσα, gestans.)" (Gould 1861); "Eupherusa Gould, Monogr. Trochil., pt. 14, Sept., 1857, pl. [12] and text [= 5, pl. 324 of volume]. Type, by monotypy, Ornismya eximia DeLattre." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 76).   
Var. Euphrerusa.   
Synon. Callipharus, Clotho.

Gr. κυανοφρυς kuanophrus, κυανοφρυος kuanophruos  dark-browed  < κυανος kuanos  dark-blue; οφρυς ophrus, οφρυος ophruos  eyebrow, brow.