Squamate Antbird

Squamate Antbird / Myrmoderus squamosus

Squamate Antbird

Here the details of the Squamate Antbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Myrmoderus squamosus
Protonym:  Myrmeciza squamosa Orn.Brasil. Abth.2 p.87,162
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thamnophilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  squant1
Type Locality:  Mattodentro and Ypanema, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Publish Year:  1868
IUCN Status:  


(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ White-bibbed Antbird M. loricatus) Gr. μυρμος murmos  ant; δερω derō  to thrash, to cudgel; "Myrmoderus gen. nov.  (Formicariidæ.)   Related to Myrmeciza Gray but tail much longer (more than five-sixths as long, sometimes longer than, wing, bill more slender, nostril larger and more longitudinal, and forehead more densely feathered, with feathers more compactly webbed, more decumbent; style of coloration very different.   Type.— Myiothera loricata Lichtenstein.  (Mυρμηξ, an ant; δερω, I flay, cudgel.)" (Ridgway 1909).
Synon. Myrmedestes.

squamosa / squamosus
L. squamosus  scaly  < squama  scale.
● ex “Pigeon Ramier de la Guadeloupe” of Holandre 1790 (Patagioenas).