Reunion Fody

Reunion Fody

Here the details of the Reunion Fody named bird below:

SCI Name:  Foudia delloni
Protonym:  Foudia delloni Zootaxa 4382(3) 592-600.
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Ploceidae /
Taxonomy Code:  reufod1
Type Locality:  
Publish Year:  2008
IUCN Status:  


(Ploceidae; Ϯ Red Fody F. madagascariensis) Malagasy names Foudi, Fodi or Fody for the Red Fody. Reichenbach's 1850, plate LXXIX, labelled Passerinae: Pyrrhulinae genuinae, includes a variety of thick-billed finches and other birds, and shows Foudia next to Cardinalis. "*951. Foudia, Reichenb. 1850. (Ploceus, p. Gr.)   Africa.   4.    1. LOXIA madagascariensis, L. (Cardinalis madagascariensis, Briss. - Euplectes rubra, Sw. - Ploceus ruber? Blyth. - Pl. madagascariensis et ruber, Gr.) Pl. enl. 134. 2. - Vieill. Ois. Chant. t. 53.  ex Ins. Maur. Madagascar.  ...  2. FRINGILLA erythrocephala et Emberiza rubra, Gm. (Ploceus erythrocephalus, Sw.-Pl. martineti! Gr.-Hyphantornis erythrocephalus, Blyth.) Pl. enl. 665. 1. mas. 2 faem. - Brown, Ill. Zool., t. 28. 2. - Vieill. Ois. Chant. t. 28. ex Ins. Mauritius ...  *3. F. eminentissimus, Bp. Mus. Paris. ex Afr. or. Zanzibar.  ...   4. PLOCEUS erythrops, Hartl. Rev. Zool. 1848. p. 109. ex Ins. S.ti Thomae. Afr. occ." (Bonaparte 1850); "Foudia Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 79. Type, by subsequent designation (Gray, 1855, Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 70), Loxia madagascariensis Linnaeus." (Moreau in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 62).
Synon. Calyphantria, Nesacanthis, Neshyphantes.

Gabriel Dellon (also known as Charles Dellon) (1649-1709) French physician, traveller who suffered under the Holy Inquisition in Goa (‡Foudia).