Hoary Redpoll

Hoary Redpoll / Acanthis hornemanni

Hoary Redpoll

Here the details of the Hoary Redpoll named bird below:

SCI Name:  Acanthis hornemanni
Protonym:  Linota hornemanni Naturhist.Tidskr.[Kroyer] 4 p.398
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Fringillidae /
Taxonomy Code:  hoared
Type Locality:  Greenland; type from Ameralikfjord, fide Salomonsen, 1928, Vidensk. Medd. Dansk naturhist. Foren., 86, p. 170.
Publish Year:  1843
IUCN Status:  


(Fringillidae; Ϯ Redpoll A. flammea) L. acanthis  small bird, probably a finch  < Gr. ακανθις akanthis  small unidentified bird mentioned by Aristotle and other authors, probably the Common Linnet. In ornithology usually identified with some sort of finch (cf. myth. Acanthis, daughter of Autonous, was metamorphosed into a type of finch. Her brother, Acanthus, was changed into an unidentified bird); "XIX. Gattung, Zeisig, Acanthis.  Schnabel kegelförmig, von benden Seiten zusammengedrückt und scharf zugespitzt.  Die Vögel dieser Gattung (die in Deutschland einheimischen wenigstens) nähren sich bloß von Sämerenen, und füttern ihre Jungen aus dem Kropfe." (Borkhausen 1797 (where no fewer than twenty-nine species and varieties are listed)); "Acanthis Borkhausen, 1797, Deutsche Fauna, 1, p. 248. Type, by subsequent designation (Stejneger, 1884, Auk, 1, p. 145), Fringilla linaria Linnaeus = Fringilla flammea Linnaeus." (Howell & Paynter in Peters 1968, XIV, 250). Recent genetic work has shown that the various Holarctic Redpolls formerly treated as distinct species (e.g. flammea, cabaret, hornemanni) are too closely related to be so considered, representing but arbitrary divisions of a continuum of morphological characters. Doubtless, in the fullness of time, further research will reveal that such divisions are evidence of on-going speciation and that they should be separated again.
Var. Acanthys.
Synon. Aegiothus, Cannabis, Linacanthis, Rubricapilla.
● (Fringillidaesyn. Linaria Ϯ Twite L. flavirostris) "Arktischer Fink (F. flavirostris, Linn.)  ...  Mit einem dünnern, an den Seiten etwas zusammengedrückten, und scharf und lang zugespitzten Schnabel. Die Nahrung besteht aus bloßen öhligen Sämereyen.  (Acanthis)" (Bechstein 1802); "Acanthis J. M. Bechstein, Ornith. Taschenbuch Deutschland, Erster Theil, 1802, 125. Type by monotypy: Fringilla flavirostris Linn." (Richmond Index). 
● ("syn. Spinus") see Acanthilis 

Prof. Jens Wilken Hornemann (1770-1841) Danish botanist (subsp. Acanthis flammea).


Hoary Redpoll (exilipes)
SCI Name: Acanthis hornemanni exilipes
L. exilis  slender, small, thin  < ex  without; ile, ilis  intestines; pes, pedis  foot  < Gr. πους pous, ποδος podos  foot.

Hoary Redpoll (hornemanni)
SCI Name: Acanthis hornemanni hornemanni
Prof. Jens Wilken Hornemann (1770-1841) Danish botanist (subsp. Acanthis flammea).