Eastern Plantain-eater

Eastern Plantain-eater / Crinifer zonurus

Eastern Plantain-eater

Here the details of the Eastern Plantain-eater named bird below:

SCI Name:  Crinifer zonurus
Protonym:  Chizaerhis zonurus NeueWirbelth.Vog. p.9 pl.4
Taxonomy:  Musophagiformes / Musophagidae /
Taxonomy Code:  easple1
Type Locality:  Ethiopia in provinces of Temben, Dembea and in the Kulla.
Publish Year:  1835
IUCN Status:  


(Musophagidae; Ϯ Western Grey Plantain-eater C. piscator) L. crinifer (probably a misreading for criniger)  long-haired  < crinis  hair; -fer  bearing  < ferre  to carry; "Lacking any green in their grey and white, streaked or spotted plumage, the two species belonging to this genus are differentiated from other turacos by the crest of narrow, lanceolate feathers projecting backward from the hindcrown and nape" (Forshaw & Cooper 2002); "RODZÀY II. (109.)  GRZYWIÀK.  CRINIFER.  Crinifère. Fran.  ...  n. p. Phasianus africanus. LATH.  W tym rodzaiu známy tylko jeden gatunek, który mieszká w Afryce. Zostáł on niedawno odkryty; a już kilku doznáł przenosin w systematach. U jednych czytámy opis jego w rodzaiu Phasianus (jak wyżéy); u drugich w rodzaiu Columba (Colum. cristata var. β. GL); jnni nakoniec wcielili go do rodzaiu Corythaix.  ...  Obyczaie i sposób žyciá Grzywiàka są nám jescze nie znaiome." (Jarocki 1821); "Crinifer Jarocki, Zoologiia, 2, 1821, p. 181. Type, by monotypy, Phasianus africanus Latham.   ...   Crinifer africanus africanus (Latham1)  ...  1 Mathews and Iredale (Austr. Av. Rec., 3, 1915, p. 44) argue that Falco piscator Boddaert (Table Pl. enlum., 1783, p. 28) based on "Le Tanas, ou Faucon pêcheur, du Senegal" of Daubenton, pl. 478 is an earlier name for this species.  To recognize Daubenton's plate as representing Phasianus africanus Latham requires more imagination than I am capable of using." (Peters, 1940, IV, pp. 9, 10). 
Synon. Ichthierax.

zonura / zonurus
Gr. ζωνη zōnē  band, girdle; -ουρος -ouros  -tailed  < ουρα oura  tail.
● ex “Aigle noir huppé d’Amérique” of de Buffon (Sonnini ed.) 1800-1802 (syn. Buteogallus urubitinga).