Mountain Bulbul

Mountain Bulbul / Ixos mcclellandii

Mountain Bulbul

Here the details of the Mountain Bulbul named bird below:

SCI Name:  Ixos mcclellandii
Protonym:  Hypsipetes McClellandii Proc.Zool.Soc.London(1839) (1839), Pt7 no.82 p.159
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pycnonotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  moubul2
Type Locality:  Assam.
Publish Year:  1840
IUCN Status:  


(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Javan Bulbul I. virescens) Gr. ιξος ixos  mistletoe (i.e. mistletoe-bird) (cf. "Iξος is glue or birdlime: probably from the bird's being so caught" (Ashmolean 1836); L. ixion or ixios  unknown bird, perhaps a vulture); "[plate 382] TURDOÏDE VERDIN. IXOS VIRESCENS. TEMM.  ...  Je donne à ce groupe d'oiseaux un nom systématique, pour que les espèces qui en font partie puissent être séparées génériquement des Merles (Turdus), desquels on peut les séparer assez convenablement, par la brièveté du bec en proportion de la tête, par des ailes plus courtes, et par une plus grande abondance de duvet sur le croupion, caractère très-marqué dans quelques-unes, et qui avait fourni à notre défunt ami Kuhl l'idée de les signaler par une dénomination indiquant la masse duvetée du croupion. Mais, comme ce caractére n'offre point une détermination rigoureuse dans toutes les espèces, quelques-unes ayant le croupion plus ou moins abondamment garni de duvet, nous avons choisi un nom plus vague, pour désigner génériquement les Turdoïdes figurés dans cet Ouvrage: ce groupe peut prendre rang dans le système immédiatement après celui du Merle" (Temminck 1825).  Earlier Temminck (pl. 71) had nominated Turdus phœnicopterus [= Campephaga phoenicea] as type of his Turdoïde section, but did not introduce the name Ixos there.
Var. Ixus, Jxos, Loxas.
Synon. Phaedrus.
● (syn. Campephaga Ϯ Red-shouldered Cuckoo-shrike C. phoenicea) Stejneger considered that Ixos Temminck, 1825, was a synonym of Campephaga Vieillot, 1816 (see above).

mcclellandi / mcclellandii
John MacClelland (1805-1875) British zoologist, geologist (Erythrogenys, syn. Garrulax pectoralis melanotis, Ixos, syn. Psilopogon lineata).


Mountain Bulbul (mcclellandii)
SCI Name: Ixos mcclellandii mcclellandii
mcclellandi / mcclellandii
John MacClelland (1805-1875) British zoologist, geologist (Erythrogenys, syn. Garrulax pectoralis melanotis, Ixos, syn. Psilopogon lineata).

Mountain Bulbul (ventralis)
SCI Name: Ixos mcclellandii ventralis
L. ventralis  of the belly, ventral, -bellied  < venter, ventris  belly.
● ex “Perroquet à ventre pourpre de la Martinique” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 548 (Amazona).
● ex “Tourterelle du Canada” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 176 (syn. Ectopistes migratorius).
● ex “Pie à Culotte de Peau” of Levaillant 1800, pl. 55 (artefact).

Mountain Bulbul (tickelli)
SCI Name: Ixos mcclellandii tickelli
Col. Samuel Richard Tickell (1811-1875) British Army in India, Nepal and Burma, field ornithologist, artist (subsp. Arborophila rufogularis, subsp. Erythrogenys hypoleucos, subsp. Ixos mcclellandii, Ptilolaemus, Trichastoma).

Mountain Bulbul (similis)
SCI Name: Ixos mcclellandii similis
simile / similis
L. similis, simile  similar, resembling.  Indicating a similarity in appearance or affinity to another, usually congeneric, species.  Over thirty forms share this epithet; some are shown below.
● "193.—A. similis.—New species?—Large Titlark.   Descr.—The description of the last species [A. rufula] will apply exactly to this very similar bird, with this exception, that the centre markings of the feathers are still more indistinct in this one; and that the fawn colour of the plumage beneath, extends over all the abdomen, vent, and under tail coverts.  It differs, however, remarkably in size and in some points of structure." (Jerdon 1840) (Anthus).
● "PTILOTIS PROCERIOR, F. & H., is unknown in Taviuni; and its place is supplied by a species that I at first took for P. carunculata, Gmel.  But the more I look at it, the more I doubt its identity with that bird; without actual comparisons, however, with specimens from Tonga, which is, I believe, the real habitat of P. carunculata, I cannot quite decide the point.  Measurements go for little in this species, hardly two individuals agreeing together; but not a single specimen we procured has the bill as short as 8'", the maximum quoted by Drs. Finsch and Hartlaub.  Then, again, they describe the iris as "white," and so figure it; in ours they are all buff, a darker shade prevailing.  The wattle is very different from that of P. procerior, but hardly resembles that figured by Drs. Finsch and Hartlaub.  If found distinct on actual comparison, I would name it P. similis.  I would call it after the island, of the birds of which I now write; but I possess some specimens from Bua and Mathuata islands  which are identical." (Layard 1876) (syn. Foulehaio taviunensis).
● "32. LE PIC SEMBLABLE.  (Picus similis, Lesson.)  ...  Celui que nous décrivons ici, et que nous adressons à M. Malherbe, pour sa belle Monographie des pics, ressemble singulièrement au lineatus, à l'erythrocephalus et à l'anaïs, et cependant, en le comparant à ces trois espèces, il offre des dissemblances."  (Lesson 1847) (subsp. Hylatomus lineatus).
● "9.  Chloropeta similis, new species.  ...  Its nearest relative appears to be C. icterina, but from this it differs in the wing formula, in smaller size, and apparently in the color of the thighs and upper parts." (Richmond 1897) (Iduna).
● "MONASA SIMILIS, new species. Cerro Azul Nun Bird.  ...  In general coloration very similar to M. fidelis from the same locality but immediately distinguishable by absence of white on chin, this color being confined to a band about base of upper mandible extending to lores as in pallescens" (Nelson 1912) (syn. Monasa morphoeus fidelis).
● "SPECIES 14.  MUSCICAPA SIMILIS.  TAB. XXV.   Mediocris, supra olivaceo-fusca, subtus sulphurea, Muscicapae cayennensi simillima, diversa vero rostro brevi, capite non nigro sed fusco, verticeque non flavo sed aurantio." (von Spix 1825) (Myiozetetes).
● "PETROICA SIMILIS.  ...  Very like Petroica pusilla of Peale, from Navigators' Islands, but it is larger (being 4½" in length), with the throat varied with white, scarlet, and fuscous-black; the outer tail-feathers white, with a blackish spot near the apex, and the outer margin only of the second feather white.   New Hebrides (Aneiteum)." (G. Gray 1860) (subsp. Petroica pusilla).
● "5. S. similis, Nob.  ...   differt a Tanagra magna, Gmel., Saltatore olivaceo, Vieillot, t. 4, p. 108, cui affinis tergo caudaque non viridibus, vitta superciliari post oculum ad nucham protensa, in Tanagra magna, ante oculari tantummodo juguloque non ferrugineo." (de La Fresnaye & d'Orbigny 1837) (Saltator).  

Mountain Bulbul (holtii)
SCI Name: Ixos mcclellandii holtii
holti / holtii
● Ernest Golson Holt (1889-1983) US explorer in tropical America 1926-1947 (Cichlocolaptes, subsp. Cyanerpes cyaneus, syn. Sicalis flaveola brasiliensis).
● Prof. Henry Frederick William Holt (1838-1890) British consular service in China, linguist, numismatist, colleague of Robert Swinhoe (subsp. Ixos mcclellandii).

Mountain Bulbul (loquax)
SCI Name: Ixos mcclellandii loquax
L. loquax, loquacis  chattering, talkative, babbling  < loqui  to speak.

Mountain Bulbul (griseiventer)
SCI Name: Ixos mcclellandii griseiventer
griseiventer / griseiventris
Med. L. griseum  grey; L. venter, ventris  belly.

Mountain Bulbul (canescens)
SCI Name: Ixos mcclellandii canescens
L. canescens, canescentis  greyish  < canescere  to become hoary or white  < canere  to be grey  < canus grey.
● ex “Van Diemen’s Warbler” of Latham 1787 (subsp. Phylidonyris novaehollandiae).
● ex “Cinereous Godwit” of Pennant 1768, and Latham 1785 (syn. Tringa nebularia).

Mountain Bulbul (peracensis)
SCI Name: Ixos mcclellandii peracensis
Perak State, Malaya.