Pale-bellied Mourner

Pale-bellied Mourner / Rhytipterna immunda

Pale-bellied Mourner

Here the details of the Pale-bellied Mourner named bird below:

SCI Name:  Rhytipterna immunda
Protonym:  Lipaugus immundus Nomen.Av.Neotrop. p.57,159
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Tyrannidae /
Taxonomy Code:  pabmou1
Type Locality:  Oyapoc, Cayenne.
Publish Year:  1873
IUCN Status:  


(Tyrannidae; Ϯ Greyish Mourner R. simplex) Gr. ῥυτις rhutis, ῥυτιδος rhutidos  wrinkle; πτερνα pterna  heel; Reichenbach's 1850, plate LXV, labelled Muscicapinae: Tyranninae, shows the corrugations on the upper hinder part of the tarsus later commented on by Sharpe 1888; "Rhytipterna Reichenbach, 1850, Avium Syst. Nat., pl. 65. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 49), Tyrannus calcaratus Swainson = Muscicapa simplex Lichtenstein." (Snow in Peters 1979, VIII, 191).

immunda / immundus
L. immundus  dirty  < in- (im- before m)  not; mundus  clean.